Metta Francis

How to manage your time & ensure self-care

By Metta Francis | 22 December 2019 | Expert Advice, Feature

Time Appointment Book

Award-winning mobile nailist, Metta Francis, reveals why it’s important to manage your time effectively as a nail professional and take care of Y-O-U…

As nail professionals, we spend a lot of time pampering others and working on our businesses while often juggling other commitments like family. It’s easy to burn out, especially in the run-up to our busiest period. Here are my top tips on how to avoid this:

Make lists & prioritise

If you often feel overwhelmed and stressed by all the things you need to do, write it down! Write a list of every single task that needs to be done, from replenishing your kit and scheduling appointments to following up client enquiries (responding to Facebook messages, emails, calls etc).

Use the Urgent/Important matrix to help you prioritise the tasks and focus on your top three. Once they’re done, move onto the next. This helps provide a more ordered and structured approach, and reduces the chance of you forgetting something – especially if you tend to keep everything in your head.

Set clear operating hours

Have you ever had your evening interrupted by a potential client trying to call you regarding an enquiry? Even if you are mobile or work from a home based salon, you should have standard operating hours on your website/business listings and Facebook page.

Outside of these hours, a client should expect to wait until you are next ‘open’ to receive a response. Set automatic responses for your email, voicemail and Facebook business page – advise you are currently busy or closed and you will return their message/call as soon as possible.

This sets a clear expectation that you won’t be able to respond to their message immediately. This reduces the pressure of being ‘always on’. Avoid replying to messages and emails late at night as your clients may think that you are now accessible at these times. Draft the response and send in the morning.

Separate work from business

Regardless of whether you set operating hours, you may find that you receive out of hour enquiries. While there’s no way to completely avoid this (and it’s not a bad thing; think of those who work shifts and enjoy late night web browsing), the easiest way to completely switch off from work is to just switch off!

Switching off your devices and not checking work messages is harder to do when you have merged personal and business accounts and devices. If you have a separate device, this can be easily switched off and put aside until the next day. Set up separate business social media accounts, purchase a verified, cheap second hand device and pick up a free Pay-As-You-Go SIM card. Alternatively, monthly tariffs with inclusive minutes, data and call time start from as little as £4 per month. You’ll have better peace of mind and soon realise that nothing fatal will happen if you don’t respond to clients out of hours. 

Set clear times to respond to messages/carry out admin tasks or delegate

It’s really easy to get lost in a sea of emails and DMs, but set times aside to tackle these and make your inbox more manageable. Recommended times are in the morning (10am) and late afternoon (3pm). If you find yourself drowning in admin tasks (or your actions list is too long), look at whether you can delegate this to anyone – Virtual Assistants (VAs) and admin assistants may seem like a big investment but it will free your time to focus on the more important aspects of the business – such as business planning and actually doing nails!

Schedule time for yourself

When was the last time you scheduled time in the diary for yourself? Being constantly on the go, with back to back clients can be exhausting and take its toll on the body. Block out some time in the diary for breaks (and actually put this in the diary), go for a walk, read a book, stretch, take time out for physical activity and get a massage or treatment to help soothe any tight muscles and physical aches.

Stay hydrated throughout the day and make sure you eat well. Downtime is so important for our physical and mental health so make sure you look after number one to ensure you can perform at your very best.

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