Alex Crop

Coronavirus: Nail tech creates action squad to help elderly Suffolk community

By Alex Fox | 20 May 2020 | Movers & Shakers, News

Matilda Rose Elderly

Nail technician, Jamie Nunn, has set up the Matilda-Rose Action Squad to support vulnerable people in his community in Haverhill, Suffolk.

Jamie Nunn

“I named the squad after my nail and beauty salon in Haverhill, which in turn is named after my two nieces,” Jamie explains. “The elderly is a group that I’m mindful of, seeing first hand in the salon just how many people have no access to family or support.

“Many of my clients see their nail appointment as a highlight of their week and having this taken from their routine due to coronavirus spurred me on to do as much as I could to support them.”

“I’m very lucky to have both sets of grandparents and I spend a lot of time with them, helping them with shopping and other day-to-day tasks. The Matilda-Rose Action Squad came about from a desire to help people who do not have family members nearby.”

Members have been delivering shopping to those in need

The squad has grown from a Facebook post, at which where Jamie a call to action, and he was inundated with volunteers that were keen to get involved. “The squad runs five volunteers working over a four-week run, which keeps them in full-time action. They are immersed in regular prescription collections and deliveries as well as groceries,” Jamie continues. “We’ve also got 24 people who just want someone to talk to, so they’re all called weekly so we can check on them and chat with them.

“The majority of people the squad is caring for have been introduced to us via Facebook and flyers we put through doors back in March. Also contributing is the Home But Not Alone helpline service run by West Suffolk Council. The helpline acts as a go between, getting together the details and then forwarding people to us as quickly as possible. The whole thing is a massive team effort.

Laura Turner of the Matilda-Rose Action Squad

“The squad was set up in response to coronavirus, however we will definitely be carrying it on once life reverts back,” reveals Jamie. “This unexpected situation has really highlighted the need for services like this for vulnerable and isolated people. The younger generations have social media and the internet as their ways of connecting and communicating, and although these can be great, many are now understanding their limitations.

“I hope we shall all be more mindful of reverting back to old school values and checking in on those in our community that are alone, after all it could be any of us in this situation.”

Follow the work of the Matilda-Rose Action Squad via Facebook.